My Type of World

My name is Abby and I am an INFP. My sister, Rachel, and I discovered the MBTI types years ago, but we've still haven't gotten tired of learning about them. If you've never heard of the Types, you might enjoy learning about them here.
To me, it merely puts words to what I've always known. There is one truth which I see plainly that helps me connect to others, helps me understand the past, make sense of the present, and plan for the future. To me, this truth is a doorway to so many things. One idea, one concept that helps me tie together all other ideas, all other concepts.

 There are patterns everywhere.

Some people abhor the types, believing it's an attempt to box them in. To label them as being one way and without allowing any room for differentiation. Of course, if you have a true understanding of Typology, you know this isn't so.
The Types are just words used to express patterns. MBTI suggests that personalities can be organized into 16 different Types. Each Type is a description of how that person prefers to process information and make a decision. Each Type is a description of a pattern.
Knowing tendencies and patterns which occur in the minds of the people you are close to, can help you understand them better, and love them more. And knowing your own tendencies and patterns can help understand yourself, and even better: To grow.

And that's really my type of world. A world where we strive to understand one another. Where we strive to understand ourselves and grow. Where we see the patterns, and learn from them. That's my type of world.


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