INFJ: Contradicting Traits

 We are all walking contradictions in our own ways. But there is no personality type so apparently contradictory than your INFJ. This makes them among the most difficult to type and to understand. If the INFJ is so many things at once, it is easy to mistype oneself and others because you relate to some or most of the INFJ's traits. Being married to a true INFJ, I have seen these contradictions up close and have begun to unravel the INFJ's mysteries.

Organized/Messy As an INFJ you have a systematic approach to how you think, how you act, and the way your books are lined up on the shelf (or stacked up on the floor). You have a certain order and method to the way you do things, and you do not appreciate people trying to "help" you by straightening up your piles, or making suggestions on how to be more "efficient" or "effective". What looks like chaos to others is your island of order.

Sarcastic/Sensitive Your mind is very quick, giving you a wonderful wit. You often use satire to make a serious point and enjoy poking fun at others, and yourself, as long as it is appropriate. But in most cases, you know where to draw the line. You are seriously bothered if you think you have hurt someone or made a fool of yourself. You have a very kind heart and genuinely care for others.

Theorist/Pragmatic  You live in an internal world of theories and connections. You are constantly considering new ideas, employing your critical thinking to determine their validity. While you are very openminded to many different theories in your mind, you will generally speak and deal with the external word very practically without much acknowledgment for theories.

Easygoing/Principled You present a calm, easygoing face to the world. Your friends will appreciate your flexibility and cool under pressure. However, you are also very principled in your morals and responsibilities, which you take very seriously. When one of these is violated or ignored, you may become rigid, sometimes even angry.

Introvert/Social INFJ, often called the most "extroverted" introvert, is indeed one of the more social of the introverted types. While you are primarily focused inward in your thoughts, you connect to the world with ease, finding it pleasant to interact with others on a regular basis. While you might think of yourself as shy, INFJs are natural public speakers and generally enjoy the spotlight (as long as it is positive attention).

Straightforward/Diplomatic While you would never ignore or misrepresent the truth and resulting principles, you try to speak to others in a way that invites them to agree. You are talented in adjusting your conversational style to people's level and in a way that appeals to them. You are often gentle when you correct and disagree.

Trendy/Original While you tend to be observant about the external world and keep up with certain styles, you always have your own twist on things. You would hate to be just like everyone else, yet you don't ever want to stand out in a negative way. This gives you your own unique look and attitude that could never be called "out of style".

True humility/Proud Here's the one that stumps me. How can someone who is selfconfidant and even a bragger also be truly humble? While the you, as an INFJ, may be proud of your accomplishments and abilities, you aren't noramally out of place. You know your worth and you give yourself credit where credit is due, just like you would give credit to others. Yet you also possess real humility that allows you to see your shortcomings and work to overcome them. You receive constructive criticism with meekness and quickly overcome your struggles.
 There are, however, times when you may need a confidance boost. Too much criticism, especially from one you love and respect, and you become crushed by the weight of judgement and failure. You may become overly critical of yourself at times and need some encouragement and praise to get you back on your feet.


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