What You Love About Fall

 The weather is getting colder, the leaves are changing, the sun shines less and less. Some people love fall, some hate to see the summer end. But whoever you are there's something you just can't resist loving about fall... Here's what you love about the autumn season based on your personality type.

INFJ: Wearing a sweater while curled up with a book and a seasonal coffee

ENFJ: Sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters 

INFP: Blankets, the smell of bonfires, jumping in leaf piles

ENFP: Having the best-decorated yard in town complete with hand-painted pumpkins and cute scarecrows 

ESTJ: Cooler weather
ISTJ: Fall break (to catch up on schoolwork and maybe relax)

ESTP: Football 

ISTP: Fantasy football

ESFJ: Apple orchards, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, Thanksgiving, Halloween, leaves changing, pretty much everything about fall 

ISFJ: Nostalgia 

ESFP: Thanksgiving, fall break, sports

ISFP: Inspiration for fall-themed crafts

ENTJ: Elections

INTP: Less sunlight (better for reading)

ENTP: Seasonal drinks, food, clothes, etc. 

INTJ: Nothing. (But secretly the scenery)         




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